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The All New Frankly Don't-Wop Duo (NL/US)

Freitag 14.07.23 - 16:30 - Mystery Stage

The All New Frankly Don't-Wop Duo:
Fred Händl on keys
Kevin Crosby on bass

The All New Frankly Don't-Wop Duo is an international team of two dedicated to performing the music of Frank Zappa in an innovative, all ages and animal friendly style. 😅
Fred Händl (yellow bespectacled pianist/composer whose track record includes Z.E.R.O.*, Dr. Freddie's Atomic Commotion, Zappatika, and numerous solo performances) and bassist Kevin Crosby (PoJama People, EAK+, & founder of *The Zappa Early Renaissance Orchestra) were introduced by Ike Willis at Festival MOO-AH in 2015 and have been working together in a variety of bands playing Zappa’s music ever since.
The small format of The All New Frankly Don’t-Wop Duo brings a new and sharper focus to Fred & Kevin’s interpretations of the music of Frank Zappa. Concentrating on the interplay and counter-punctual potential of the notes therein.
100% Comedy Music. Not a spec of cereal.
Stay tuned (read: don't touch that dial).