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After Frank Zappa's death, the world was in shock

After Frank Zappa's death, the world was in shockHis music, his wit, a hard act to flockBut his legacy lived on, in the hearts of his fansWho remembered him, with love and a glance On the Mistery Stage, young bands playedInspired by Frank Zappa, they made their own wayThey played on the Big Main Stage tooFollowing in the footsteps, of what he'd been through At the rennbahn, a Watermelon In Easter HayWas played, in honor of Frank Zappa's wayThe puppets Exhibition, paid tribute as wellTo the man who played, with a clever sell Frank Zappa was an autodidact, a man of his ownHe played his...

Ankunft um 12 in Bad Doberan

Ankunft um 12 in Bad DoberanGucke mir erstmal die Statue an Einkaufen, und weiter nach HeiligendammMit Molli, der nostalgischen Dampfeisenbahn Ausstieg Rennbahn, erstmal ein BierMystery Stage - Warm up um Vier Zelt aufgebaut, so langsam wird's vollDie Exhibition wie immer toll Main Stage am Abend, geile Bands sind dabeiJam Session und Mugge bis Nachts um Zwei

Bad Doberan, so heißt der Ort

Zappanale Bad Doberan, so heißt der Ort,To Doberan you have to get,Die Zappa-Statue sieht man dort.There, you will see Frank Zappa’s head. Los gehts bereits am Donnerstag.The warm up starts on Thursday.Da gibt es Bier, das ich sehr mag.I am already thursty. Kunst gibt‘s auch in andrer Art,aus vielen bunten Nischen.Besides music, there‘s different art:Come see the exhibition! Die Rennbahn, wo man galoppiert:Für Frank Zappa umfunktioniert.The horse racecourse becomes a placeWhere we recover Zappa‘s face. Die Main Stage ist dem Tag gedacht;The Main Stage is for light;Die Mistery Stage ist...

Die geilsten Tage jedes Jahr

Gedicht zur Zappanale Die geilsten Tage jedes Jahr,hab´ so Bock drauf, ist doch klar!Zur Rennbahn hin, das ist echt Pflicht,die Augen leuchten im Gesicht.Beim warm up gibt´s das erste Bier,nur coole Leute treff´ ich hier!Die Exhibithion ist ein Muss,wie jedes Jahr echter Genuss!Statue knutschen, Foto machen,und einfach nur lachen, lachen, lachen.Die Molli dampft am Zelt entlang,ist Tradition, wie eine Bank.Wir wollen endlich wieder rocken,die Bands hier hau´n uns aus den Socken!Talente auf der Mystery Stage,vielleicht steh´n sie bald auf der Page!Gitarrensolos, Bass brutal,dass an der Main...

Ein Leben ohne Zappa(nale)

Ein Leben ohne Zappa(nale)ist eine Rennbahn ohne Pferdeist eine Molli ohne Cocktailist ein Warm up ohne Vorfreudeist eine Exhibithion ohne Missionist eine Statue ohne Liebeist eine Main Stage ohne Starsist eine Mistery Stage ohne Freaksist ein Festival ohne Bands

Es ist fast nicht zu glauben

Es ist fast nicht zu glauben,man traut wie jedes Jahr kaum seinen Augen Du startest mit der Eisenbahn,erst mal in Bad Doberan, An der Zappa-Statue vorbei,groovest dich zum warm-up in dieExhibition rein,Neben sessions hat sie einiges zu bieten,modern art, merch und alte Requisiten. „Molli’s“ zischen und auch bimmeln,lässt dich Richtung Rennbahn tingeln. Bei so viel Romantik erfasst dich flugs ein kribbeln,du spürst,bald haben die Bands dich fest am Wickel. Drei Tage wird von Stage (Main) zu Stage(Mistery) geflitzt,weil so mancher oldie nicht gern sitzt! Dafür gibt‘s zwar keine...

es ist Sommer

ZAPPANALE es ist Sommerund trotz ziemlich alter Knochenkommen Freaks nach Doberan gekrochen,mit ´ner supergeilen „vision“von der Zappa „exhibition.Die Statue, die lassen sie links liegenum noch das „warm up“ mitzukriegen. Am nächsten Tag gehts mit der Molliund jeder Menge Alkohollizur Rennbahn mit ´nem alten Zeltdas schon auseinander fällt.Die Spezl*innen aus nun 32 Jahrenkommen auch schon angefahren,mit von der Ostsee nassen Füßenkann man die Zeltnachbarin begrüßen. Dann geht die ZAPPANALE loszur Main Stage stürmt der ganze Trossund mit ´nem Bierchen „in the hands“hört man jetzt die...

Frank Zappa, a man of musical fame

Frank Zappa, a man of musical fameHis talent, a gift, his songs, a flameBut the world thought him gone, no more to be seenBut a fan, a witch, had a different dream She cast a spell, a time-traveling featAnd took Frank back to a different seatWhere he met Edgard Varèse, a man of soundTogether, they created music that astounded But their time was short, it had to beFor the witch brought them back, for all to seeThe Zappanale 2023, a festival of soundWhere Frank and Edgard could both be found On the Mistery Stage, the Main Stage tooPerforming for their fans, old and newThe Rennbahn was...

Frank Zappa, the great musician and artist

Frank Zappa, the great musician and artist,Once faked his own death, it's said.Every year, he'd sneak away to the Rennbahn,To the Zappanale, his memoriam. Dressed as a beggar, with a long beard and rags,He'd roam the Exhibition, watching the bands.But one year, he couldn't resist the callTo pick up his guitar and play, just for a moment. On the Mystery Stage, he played with such skill,One lone fan was moved and made a connection.She suspected this beggar was more than he seemed,And secretly sent him to the Main Stage to play. There, Frank Zappa shone, his talent on display,The warm-up...

Frank Zappa, the man we all know

Frank Zappa, the man we all knowBut in secret, he's Santa Claus, don't you know?On Christmas Day, he brings us all a treatA ticket to Zappanale, can't be beat We board the Molli, the steam locomotiveTo Rennbahn, where the fun is infectiousWe drink hot beer, eat currywurst galoreAnd have a blast, like never before The Mystery Stage holds surprise performancesWhile the Main Stage hosts the biggest bandsWe visit the Exhibition, filled with artifactsAnd snap a photo with the Frank Zappa statue, a must The warm-up bands set the mood just rightAs we dance and sing into the nightThe spirit of...

Gewinner Platz 1

Zappanale Tribut Die Vorfreude ist riesengroß,was ist da in Meck-Pomm nur los?Bei Ankunft im Bad Doberan,schau ich mir gleich Frank‘s Statue an.

Gewinner Platz 2

Zappanale - Music Is The Best! Live music is the best! I know we should have guessed,But every Zappanale helps us put this to the test. With supergroups to thrill us and some crazy combos too,

Gewinner Platz 3

Seit Jahren schon, es ist längst BrauchWollen selbst aus feinen KreisenVerschwor'ne Fans und and're auchIm Sommer an die Ostsee reisen

I might be goin' to Bad Doberan exhibition soon

I might be goin' to Bad Doberan exhibition soonTo listen me up a crop of warm-up bands.Listen' it upDrinking' it downWith a little bronze statue andA 900mm Molli I can ride uptownAt the main stage I wouldn't have no bossBut at the Rennbahn I'd be raisin' my lovely Zappa flag raisin’ my lovely Zappa flagThe Mystery Stage fell overAnd now it’s out of sight……. For a nominal service chargeyou can ride the Molli home tonight.

In a world post-apocalyptic

In a world post-apocalyptic, Where music seemed to fade away, The Mystery Stage was long gone, The Main Stage a memory.   The Rennbahn, once alive with sound, Now silent and abandoned too. The Exhibition, once full of cheer, Now empty, with nothing to do.   But hope was not lost, for the people knew, That even in this dark and lonely place, There was still a chance for joy to renew, And love to find its warm embrace.   For the Molli, once broken and lost, Was now a symbol of unity and pride. And the Bands, once scattered and tossed, Now united, with nothing...

In a world where Frank Zappa never was

In a world where Frank Zappa never was,There was a strange and bizarre fuss,For without him, the music world was lost,And the Mistery Stage, forever tossed. The Rennbahn was silent, without a sound,The Exhibition, empty and unbound,The Molli and Bands, nowhere to be found,Without Frank Zappa's music around. But one day, a group of rebels rose,Determined to bring Frank Zappa's music back,They searched the Main Stage, from head to toes,And found a statue, of Frank Zappa's intact. They brought it to the Warm Up show,And as they played, the music flowed,The Statue came to life, and so,Frank...

It was my first time and I was nervous like shit

An untitled poem: It was my first time and I was nervous like shitHow will I enter, what should I say?Have I the stamina, how long can I stay?If I get lost, will I find my way?I know I will like this, so fuck, just do it A festival centered on my favorite manIn a place called Bad DoberanI've wanted to go thereBut now that I am hereI wonder if I am prepared and will findThe things I have pictured in my mind I study the map by the gate and seeThe venues that beckons to meThe Rennbahn is built for horse racesBut now there will be no long facesJust thousands of creeps chilling in the parkAnd...

It wasn't very large, there was just enough place to pack some bands

It wasn't very large, there was just enough place to pack some bands.In the town of Bad DoberanThere's a festival for a few thousands.Lots of them got a moustache,Pigtails, coneheads and Zappa hatsAnd a couple of marimbas,Even a guy doing some air guitar. We finally got to Rennbahn,Beers were cold, friends were mad We could hear the same old songIn the afternoon, ringing loud,From the Mystery Stage at full blastIt could be Willy, from Hot RatsAll we heard was bliss for us,It was just like... Arf Arf Arf Arf ArfArf Arf Arf Arf Arf Arffff In downtown Bad DoberanFrank's Statue awaits for...

It's Christmas time, and the snow is falling

It's Christmas time, and the snow is fallingThe Zappanale festival is callingWe bundle up warm, and head to the showTo see all the Bands, and let the music flow The Main Stage is packed, and the Rennbahn tooWe check out the Exhibition, and ride the MolliWe Warm up with some cocoa, and check out the StatueThe Catholic Girls are singing, it's quite a platitude This Zappanale festival, is a celebration of FrankHis music is wild, and it's clear to see why he's a rankSo let's all raise a glass, and sing alongMerry Christmas to all, and a Happy Zappa-filled New Year, so long!

My friend insisted I come see

My friend insisted I come seeFrank Zappa's concert with glee,But little did I know, it would beA wild night, full of mystery. We arrived at the Main Stage,And made our way to the Rennbahn,Where the Exhibition displayedAll the Molli and Bands on parade. The Warm Up show was just beginning,As my friend started chugging his beer,And munching on salchichas, grinning,As if there was no tomorrow, clear. But as the night went on, his behaviorGrew more and more erratic, it seemed,As he stumbled around, a drunken savior,Ignoring all my pleas to be redeemed. I couldn't believe what I was...

Oh Frank Zappa, a man so unique

Oh Frank Zappa, a man so uniqueHis music and ideology, so distinct He played the Mystery Stage with such mystiqueAnd the Rennbahn, his talent never missed At the Exhibition, Molli did swayTo the sounds of Frank's guitar, oh what a day But the warm up bands were just a preludeFor Frank's talent, truly an interlude The statue stands tall, a testament to his artOn the Main Stage, Frank played with heart Catholic girls and dirty nuns, he did singHis lyrics absurd, but oh so fitting A freak, a rebel, a man ahead of his timeFrank Zappa, the king of the scene sublime His music lives on,...

On the Main Stage, the bands all play

On the Main Stage, the bands all playTheir music loud and wildThe Mystery Stage holds secrets unknownBut the Rennbahn is where it's all shown The Warm Up starts the day off rightWith Molli, the little steam train in sightBut the real star of the showIs the Frank Zappa statue, standing tall and bold The Zappanale in Bad DoberanBrings music, fun, and joy to allA celebration of the great man's workAnd a chance to go wild and berserk So come on down and join the funOn the Main Stage, Mystery Stage, and RennbahnThe bands will rock and the Molli will chugAt the Zappanale, the party never stops.

Once upon a time, three friends did roam

Once upon a time, three friends did roamTo the Mystery Stage, Main Stage, and Rennbahn they wentTo pay tribute to their idol Frank Zappa's exhibitionAboard the Molli, they journeyed to the landWhere bands played warm-up sets and the statue stood tallWilly the cat, a famous poet of verse and rhymeBob the dog, a technical sound man, bald and plumpDan the horse, a mathematician of fame and renownAll great fans of Frank's originality and self-taught waysThey brought hot beer, magic coconuts, and Spanish wineTo the nun who guarded the statue, petting her Persian catShe challenged them to present...

Raise up your cup zum Zappanale Warm up

Raise up your cup zum Zappanale Warm up,leider Geld knapp, könnte trotzdem zur Exibithion oder Statue gehn. Würde aber lieber mit nem Ticket in der Taschein der alten Molli zur Rennbahn fahrnum die Bands zu sehn. Zusammen mit tausenden Freaks vor der Mysterie oder Main Stage stehn, Die kultigen Momente von Love, Peace und Happyness sollten nie vergehn. Im voraus schon ein riesiges Dankeschön.

Sofa 2 - Ich bin hier

Sofa 2 Ich bin hierin Zappa TownIch bin hierauf der ZappanaleIch bin hierund du bist mein Sofa Am Donnerstagnachmittag in Zappa Town angekommenmit DIY-Zappa-Shirts und der Flagge Sofa 2 im GepäckAls erstes die Tickets in Zappa-Bändchen umgetauschtdie Zelte windgeschützt hinter dem Wagen versteckt(was sich nur als mäßig effektiv herausstellen sollte) Nach dem erfolgreichen Aufbau ging es in den KlostergartenMit Wurstsemmeln und Störtebeker stimmten wir uns einDa Tabak Gemüse ist, war es ein sehr gesundes Erlebnis Wir reihten uns zwischen den vielen Gemüseliebhabern ein Zum Warm up ging...

The Mistery Stage beckons, all eyes on the Main Stage As the Rennbahn

Frank Zappa at the Zappanale festival The Mistery Stage beckons, all eyes on the Main Stage As the Rennbahnroars with excitement, the Exhibition astounds Molli chugs along,pulling in the Bands with its Warm up charm And in the center stands aStatue, a testament to the man's enduring legacy Frank Zappa, the maestro of musical madness His genius on full displayat the Zappanale festival The crowds go wild as the Bands take to thestage Each one fueled by the spirit of Frank, the innovator >From the Exhibition to the Rennbahn, the festival comes alive TheMistery Stage a revelation, the...

The Mistery Stage holds a mystery

At the Rennbahn--------------- The Mistery Stage holds a mysteryA hidden gem within music historyBut the Main Stage is where I‘m meant to beWhere music sets our souls free. The Rennbahn surges with excitement and cheerAs bands warm up checking their gearAnd Molli chugs, her whistle I hearWhile exhibition tents line up and appear. And above it all, Frank's statue standsA monument to music's demandsA reminder of the joy it impartsAs it infiltrates and fills our hearts. Music is the best, that's trueA universal language, old and newIt brings us together, near and remoteForever united, by...

The Mystery Stage came over (us) – and the bands were outa sight !!

Mistery Stage - Main Stage - Rennbahn - Exhibithion - Molli - Bands  - Warm up - Statue (Gedicht-improvisation über diese Worte mit Refrain, angelehnt an „Cosmic Debris“)(Regieanweisung singt es über die erste Strophe...). The Mystery Stage came over (us) – and the bands were outa sight !!they wrote: for a nominal service charge we would reach the Rennbahn tonight.After warm up and Exhibition: turn north at THE MASTER`s statue.Just enter the train called Molli – or ride on the grand wazoo:You might not believe this – Zappa-followers – but they`ll have a Main Stage, too !! (Und jetzt...

The Rennbahn is where the metal heads come to play

The Rennbahn is where the metal heads come to playAs the Molli train brings us on our wayBands like Pantera and Metallica rock the Main StageWhile Frank Zappa and Mike Keneally turn the pageThe Warm up gets us ready for the showAs we wait for the Mistery Stage to let us goBut amidst the headbanging and the heavy soundWe can't forget the genius that Zappa foundThe Statue of a guitar reminds us allOf the endless possibilities in the metal world, no matter how smallSo let's rock out with the heavy bandsIn this world of Zappa and his experimental compositions.

The Zappanale in Bad Doberan

The Zappanale in Bad Doberan,A festival like no other,The Main Stage rocks the night,As bands play on with all their might. The Mystery Stage holds surprise,With warm up acts the spirits rise,The Rennbahn roars with Molli steam,As fans join in to live the dream. Be a part of it, don't be late,The Bläser blow their horns with fate,And gute Laune is not far,As Metmann Werner strums his guitar. The Pudel roams the grounds with glee,While on the Sofa fans relax and see,„The Grand Wazoo“ play their hits,As the Statue stands with all its wits

There once was a nun, who lived a life of prayer

There once was a nun, who lived a life of prayerBut one day, she met a man with wild hairFrank Zappa, a musician, who played the guitarShe fell in love with him, from afar She watched him play, on the Funny but Mistery StageHis music filled her soul, at every ageShe longed to be near him, to hold his handBut alas, he did not understand She followed him to the Zappa Main StageWhere he played his music, with such rageShe watched in awe, as he strummed his stringsBut her love for him, remained unrequited things She traveled with him, to the rennbahn in HamburgWhere he played at the Guitar...

There once was a violinist, a veggie

There once was a violinist, a veggie,Who played at the Mistery Stage, you see,But when he wasn't performing, he'd beInstalling solar panels, endlessly. He owned a bar, on the Main Stage,Where he served drinks, from dawn till dusk,But he knew he had to make a change,To reduce his carbon footprint, that's a must. So he decided to put solar panelsOn the roof, at the Rennbahn,And the Exhibition took notice,As the Molli and Bands all sang. The Warm Up show was electric,As the violinist played his heart out,And the Statue stood tall, majestic,Watching over, without a doubt. The bar was now...

There once was a white owl, full of dreams

There once was a white owl, full of dreams,Who longed to become a phoenix, it seems,To fly to the Zappanale, and be free,To die of music, happily. The Mistery Stage called to her soul,As she perched on the Main Stage, all alone,Watching the Rennbahn, where the music played,And the Exhibition, where the Molli swayed. The Bands played on, at the Warm Up show,As the owl watched, with a longing to go,To join in the fun, and spread her wings,And let the music of the Zappanale sing. But alas, she remained, a mere spectator,As the Statue stood tall, a silent creator,Of memories, that would...

Von München nach Bad Doberan

Von München nach Bad Doberan mit der Molli dann zur Rennbahn Nochmal schnell Franks Statue streicheln um rechtzeitig das Warm Up zu erreichen noch einmal schlafen, dann gehts los die Bands auf der Main Stage sind wieder ganz famos Exhibithion in der Stadtmal schauen was man von Frank noch nie gesehen hatwieder zurück auf dem Gelände findet der Tag auf der Mistery Stage sein Ende glücklich und beschwingt geht es dann zum Zeltach wie schön ist doch die Zappa Welt!

Wie jedes Jahr, es ist fatal

Zappanale 2023 Wie jedes Jahr, es ist fatal, kommen wir zu diesen Festival. Schnell in die Stadt zur Exhibithion dazu die Statue noch gesehen, geht`s zum warm up,wie wunderschön. Mit der Molli eins fix drei, sind wir wieder mit dabei. Ob Mistery oder Main Stage auf der Rennbahn,fangen nun bald die Band´s an. Ganz in Zappas Sinn, let the Musik nun beginn. Frank Zappa : „ Musik is the Best “

Zur RENNBAHN von Bad Doberan

Zappanale 2023 Zur RENNBAHN von Bad Doberan,Da fährt die MOLLI hinGleich bei der STATUE, nebenan,Da hat man Frank im Sinn Ob MAIN STAGE oder MYSTERY STAGE,Du hörst der BANDS WARM UPNe EXHIBITION, auch mal schrägAll das bringt mich auf Trab Nun muss es nur noch Sommer seinDann fängt der Spaß dort anStunden ich zähl, von groß nach kleinBis ich ins Greencamp kann