Prohibited items
The following are prohibited on the festival grounds
- Glass bottles of any kind in any form (including perfume bottles),
- Camel bags, canisters, plastic bottles, PET bottles, cans (including hairspray, deodorant etc.) and other drinking containers
- Backpacks and bags larger than DIN A4, umbrellas
- Drugs of all kinds in accordance with the Narcotics Act (BtMG)
- own food, food with the exception of "sweets" (chewy and lollipops, fruit gums, cookies, etc.), as well as baby and infant food
- Drinks of all kinds, with the exception of guests with diabetes, for example, on presentation of a medical certificate or corresponding ID. Also excluded are drinks for babies and small children
- Chains, flagpoles, sticks (except for people with walking disabilities)
- cartridge belts
- Animals/pets
- Weapons of all kinds (also in the technical sense)
- laser pointers
- So-called selfie sticks
- Fireworks, flares, pyrotechnic objects, sparklers, sky lanterns
- Incendiary or fire-inducing material
- Whistles, vuvuzelas, megaphones
- CS gas, pepper spray
- Drones
- Clothing with an anti-constitutional background, especially if they are under observation by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution or are subject to bans due to anti-constitutional publications
- Dangerous objects of any kind
- without prior written permission, photo, film or video cameras or other recording devices which, due to their equipment, type and size, are obviously not for private use only.
The organizer is entitled to temporarily store and take possession of prohibited items or to expel the visitor in question from the event grounds.
Domiciliary rights; rules of conduct; photography and filming
Domiciliary rights are exercised by the organizer and its stewards and security personnel.
The instructions of the organizer's staff must be followed. In addition, the current notices and safety instructions on site apply.
Every visitor must behave in such a way that no one else is harmed, endangered, hindered or inconvenienced. Visitors are prohibited from
carry prohibited objects on the event site, use physical violence against other visitors, the organizer's staff or other third parties
to urinate or relieve themselves outside the toilets, to engage in commercial activities, marketing campaigns or advertising measures without the prior written consent of the organizer
to carry out advertising measures of any kind, i.e. the promotion of a product, service, ideology or religion, a trade union or party, a company or brand, the distribution or presentation of political or religious content in any form (e.g. on books, flyers, banners, signs, electronic devices, etc.)
to enter areas and rooms that are not open to visitors are not permitted
After midnight, the volume of music systems must generally be reduced to a level that is acceptable to the camping community. Generators may only be operated if and as long as they are safe to operate, there is no danger to the environment, the exhaust fumes do not endanger any persons and no other guest feels disturbed by the noise.
is permitted, open fires and campfires are prohibited. The unauthorized construction of fireplaces in camping areas or parking lots is prohibited due to the resulting fire hazard. Only tested and technically flawless charcoal lighters, gas cartridges, gas bottles (only permanently installed in the camper) and barbecue equipment purchased in stores are permitted. All gas appliances must be in perfect technical condition and comply with the German DIN standard. Only gas cartridges (piercing and valve cartridges) up to a maximum filling weight of 450g and gas cylinders up to 5kg may be used. Liquid gas systems installed in vehicles must have a valid gas pressure test. Only barbecue food may be placed on the burning barbecue and nothing other than barbecue food may be thrown onto the glowing coals, especially not gas cartridges. After barbecuing, the charcoal must be allowed to burn out. Sudden extinguishing with water produces large quantities of hot steam, which can cause scalding. It is forbidden to pour charcoal onto the lawn to burn it out. Barbecues may be prohibited for safety reasons during storms or similar weather conditions. If a fire breaks out, the security service must be informed immediately, even if the fire can be extinguished Generators with an output power of up to 2 KW are permitted in the parking and camping areas if they are in perfect condition and, in particular, do not leak oil or fuel. Operation is permitted until midnight. A maximum of 5 liters of fuel may be carried in additional tanks per vehicle. Power units must be used in perfect technical condition. Only units that have been tested and approved in the Federal Republic of Germany may be put into operation.
for private use with cell phones is permitted. The personal rights of third parties must be respected at all times. The making of film or sound recordings of any kind and their publication online or offline without the permission of the organizer is prohibited. Visitors who culpably violate the above rules of conduct or rules of conduct may be expelled from the event site by the organizer and banned from the premises. If a visitor commits or attempts to commit a criminal offense at Zappanale (e.g. drug dealing, assault, theft, sexual assault, etc.), the visitor will be expelled from the event grounds immediately and without warning and the matter will be reported to the police.
If there is an aforementioned important reason and the organizer expels the visitor from the venue, the ticket and wristband lose their validity and the admission price will not be refunded. Anyone who culpably violates these GTC shall be liable to compensate the organizer for any resulting damages.
The traffic, escape and rescue/fire protection routes are marked by barrier tape/flags and signs - it is not permitted to park or camp on these routes. Violations will be cleared or towed away for a fee.
Protection of minors
The provisions of the law for the protection of young people in public apply to every event.
Children and young people may only enter the festival grounds if accompanied by a person with parental authority or a person with parental responsibility. A person with parental authority is any person over the age of 18 who, on a permanent or temporary basis, performs educational duties on the basis of an agreement with the person with parental authority or who looks after a child or young person in the context of education or youth welfare (§ 1 Para. 1 No. 4 JuSchG). Admission is free for children up to and including the age of 16. The organizer is entitled to refuse children and young people admission to the event if there are sufficient indications that the person with parental authority or guardianship is not fulfilling their duty of care to the required extent.
Visitors stay on the camping and event site at their own risk.
The organizer, its legal representatives or its vicarious agents shall only be liable in cases of intent or gross negligence.
The above limitation of liability does not affect the liability of the organizer for the breach of essential contractual obligations, even in the case of simple negligence, but limited to the foreseeable and contractually typical damage. Essential contractual obligations are obligations whose fulfillment is essential for the proper execution of the contract and on whose compliance the contractual partner regularly relies and may rely.
The above limitations of liability do not apply to damages resulting from injury to life, body or health, or insofar as the organizer has fraudulently concealed a defect or assumed a guarantee and for cases of liability under the Product Liability Act.
In accordance with the above limitations of liability, the organizer is not liable for lost or damaged items. Parking in designated parking spaces or the camping area is at your own risk.
Right to one's own image
The organizer and third parties commissioned by it are entitled to make image, sound and audiovisual recordings of the visitors ("recordings") during the events without remuneration for the persons depicted and to use them or have them used in any way, without restriction in terms of time, place and content, in all known and future audiovisual media. This includes in particular the use and exploitation of the recordings in digital form and in online media (in particular on the Internet and there on the organizer's own website, YouTube channels and social media channels of the organizer and its licensees, agents and legal successors), in print media (in particular magazines, brochures, catalogs, presentations, newsletters, printed and/or collective works), in the form of TV commercials and trailers or in editorial contributions, on image and sound carriers of any kind (in particular CD, DVD, BluRay, memory sticks), on other data carriers and in databases, at trade fairs and events and for advertising purposes. This includes in particular the right to use, distribute, exploit, publicly perform, broadcast, reproduce, archive, make available on demand and make publicly accessible the recordings. The recordings may be modified, altered, color edited, cut or used and exploited together with other content such as images, video, audio and text elements as well as graphics as described above. All rights may also be transferred or sublicensed to third parties for the above purposes.
As the recordings also involve personal data, the information on data processing and the rights of the persons depicted in accordance with the GDPR from the privacy policy applies.
Final provisions
German law shall apply exclusively.
The organizer reserves the right to change these GTC if there is a valid reason for a change. A valid reason exists in particular if the amendment is necessary in order to (a) react to legal requirements that came into force after the conclusion of the contract, (b) to supreme court rulings or (c) to a change in market conditions in the entertainment and festival industry; (d) to eliminate doubts of interpretation that have arisen; or (e) if an expansion of the offer makes the amendment necessary. The changes shall be deemed to have been accepted by the visitor if he/she does not object to the changes by e-mail to [-] within a period of one (1) month from receipt of the announcement of the changes. If the user does not agree to the changes, he/she shall be entitled to terminate the contract without notice until the time at which the change comes into effect. In the e-mail announcing the changes, the organizer shall inform the user separately of the significance of the four-week period, his right to object to the change and the legal consequences of his silence. The old GTC shall continue to apply to legal acts performed prior to the amendments.
Should any provision of these GTC be invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
The EU Commission has created an internet platform for the online settlement of disputes. The platform serves as a contact point for the out-of-court settlement of disputes regarding contractual obligations arising from online purchase contracts. Further information is available at the following link: The organizer is neither willing nor obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
Wih the buying the ticket, the visitor has agreed to the Zappanale - Festival Terms and Conditions and these Visitor, Parking and Camping Regulations